'add 30 more colours', says Kaffe Fassett. Well, it wasn't working for me this time. Belatedly I remembered ColorWorks by Deb Menz. I've had it for a while but it seemed a bit theoretical for me and I found it hard to take in what she was saying. Well I got it out and really homed in on one kind of colour scheme (because it has lot of colours): 'Double Triad Harmony'. Basically you have three pairs of colours, equidistant on the colour wheel (where there are 12 colours altogether). I chose yellow, yellow-green, blue, blue-violet, red, and orange-red. It was hard work getting to that point and choosing the right yarns. I learnt a lot in the process, though. Even if what I end up with isn't perfect it will represent a break-through for me.
I've sewn one strip on the wrong way round, but who can tell? It's staying that way now!
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